Bobina da 50m
Monofilamento temperato in un bagno di silicone/PTFE prodotto con polimeri e copolimeri di altissima qualità.Tra i migliori fili di Nylon per alti carichi di rottura e resistenza al nodo, secondo le norme Tüv test in Monaco.
Adatto per la costruzione di Ninfe, Emergenti e Shrimps
Classico amo grub piu' sottile rispetto al modello 611 nato per la costruzione di ninfe, insostituibile sia per la forma che per la tenuta sul pesce grazie alla sua punta a rientrare.
Confezione da 25 ami
The Black and Red Cruncher has been an extremely successful fly when fished on a floating fly line or midge tip washing line style. Tied with a soft hen hackle at the head to give a slightly pulsating effect when fished slow. Crunchers in general are a great pattern to use when nymphing, however they excel when fish are feeding high in the water to allow a slower descent, keeping your flies in the feeding zone for longer. Featuring a red holographic hot spot at the thorax for a trigger point that trout just love. The Jenkins' Black and Red Cruncher is available in both size 10 and size 12 to help you best match the hatch.
The Black and Red Cruncher has been an extremely successful fly when fished on a floating fly line or midge tip washing line style. Tied with a soft hen hackle at the head to give a slightly pulsating effect when fished slow. Crunchers in general are a great pattern to use when nymphing, however they excel when fish are feeding high in the water to allow a slower descent, keeping your flies in the feeding zone for longer. Featuring a red holographic hot spot at the thorax for a trigger point that trout just love. The Jenkins' Black and Red Cruncher is available in both size 10 and size 12 to help you best match the hatch.
A scaled down Mini Streamer, perfect when the imitative approach doesn't work. Fished in conjunction with standard wet flies on either the point or top dropper they bring life to a cast of flies whilst maintaining stealth with their much smaller size
Costruito su ami fulling mill.
Streamer da laghetto con testina in tungsteno
il peso della testina in combinazione con gli elastici donano all'artificiale maggiore movimento.
Costruito su ami senza ardiglione
Combinazione di colore scoperta parecchi anni fa in inghilterra...rimane ad oggi una soluzione quando i pesci rifiutano i colori più vivaci.
I Fab possono essere usati con qualsiasi densità di coda e con tantissime varietà di recuperi.
Utilizzati principalmente pescando whasing line con coda galleggiante o midge tip nei laghetti.
Costruita su ami senza...
Un modello più piccolo costruito con EZ EGG YARN 6mm di verme con pallina in tungsteno drop off. Ideale per l'uso sotto lo strike indicator Drop Back Bung o lanciato con una coda galleggiante ed un finale lungo. La pallina in tungsteno Drop Off ad affondamento extra rapido offre un movimento di jiggata che i pesci trovano irresistibile.
Questi modelli...
Sometimes you need a nymph that just stands out from the crowd, and this Diawl Bach is the perfect pattern to use when fish are in an aggressive mood or the water is slightly murky. This fly works best when fished as a top dropper and part of a three or four fly cast on a washing line setup. It's also a great pattern to use when trout are feeding on pin...
Devastante! I blob possono essere usati con qualsiasi coda, galleggiante e non e con una infinità di recuperi diversi.
Da soli o in coppia con altri streamer.
Quill buzzers are absolutely deadly for rainbow and brown trout all year round. Although they are most effective during the months of April, May and June where hatching buzzer are in abundance. The mix of natural stripped quill for the body, red holographic thorax and fluorescent yellow cheeks is simply irresistible to any trout feeding on buzzers,...
Devastatingly effective, blobs can be fished on any line density and a variety of retrieves. Mainly used on reservoirs and make very good attractor patterns. Barbless.
Howard Croston dice: "Letale nei laghetti con molta pressione di pesca o su pesci smaliziati nei grandi reservoirs, micidiale se accopiato con Cormorant, Diawl Bach o Cruncher."
Chironomo con pallina in tungsteno molto efficace per imitare i chirononi nelle colorazioni naturali.
Da usare in dropper con il bung oppure in coppia con un chironomo spiombato quando abbiamo più vento.
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The Black and Red Cruncher has been an extremely successful fly when fished on a floating fly line or midge tip washing line style. Tied with a soft hen hackle at the head to give a slightly pulsating effect when fished slow. Crunchers in general are a great pattern to use when nymphing, however they excel when fish are feeding high in the water to allow a slower descent, keeping your flies in the feeding zone for longer. Featuring a red holographic hot spot at the thorax for a trigger point that trout just love. The Jenkins' Black and Red Cruncher is available in both size 10 and size 12 to help you best match the hatch.